Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Warm-Weather Treat

The weather here is finally feeling like Spring (and sometimes Summer)! Because of this, certain treats take on a different appearance, taking the usual and making it into something else. Case in point: brownies into brownie ice cream sandwiches. These can be customized any way you like, using different flavors of ice cream or adding things to the brownies. They are easy, too, and make a batch of brownies so much more fun! Here are the basics. Put your variations in the comments, and have fun!!

Brownie Ice-Cream Sandwiches:
(Makes about 12 or so, depending on how big you cut the brownies)

- 1 box of your favorite brownie mix and all the required ingredients
- your favorite ice cream flavor(s), softened but not completely melted (it can be good to do this in the fridge)
- any decorations you like for the edges of the sandwiches: sprinkles, crushed cookies, etc.

Bake the brownies according to the directions, using a 9x13 pan. This will make the brownies thin enough that they are perfect for layering with the ice cream. You can make the brownies cake-like or chewier, depending on your preference. I went with chewier.

Let the brownies cool completely!!!! this process will be a huge mess otherwise. I'd begin with cooling them at least a half-hour on the counter, then moving them to the fridge for some extra cooling. Cut them once they are cooled, making sure to cut them in roughly the same size so they make nice sandwiches.

Pull out your ice cream and cut brownies. Take two brownies of the same size (or as close as you can get them), laying the top side down on a plate. Fill with a scoop of ice cream, gently placing the top layer over the bottom. Decorate the edges with toppings if you desire.

Eating them right away (or close to it)? Place them on a cookie sheet that is lined with parchment paper in the freezer, making sure they're flat. Making treats for later? Wrap each one in wax paper or plastic wrap, and then place them on the cookie sheet.

Let them freeze for at least an hour and then enjoy!

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